Thursday, May 29, 2008

Lightning Ponders the Passing of Time

It was like yesterday that I was graduating.

I remember it so vividly, when our principle said "congrats class of 2007, you have graduated" and me and my buddies were the first ones out in the middle of the field, having run from all different corners of the mass, jumping up and screamin and throwing our hats.

A year later and now those stupid juniors have stolen thunder I fell was just mine yesterday.

But yet other things - things more recent - like, say, when I cut my hand - feel much longer. I guess my lession for today is that if you think and remember something more it'll feel like yesterday.

But at the same time, I should stop living in the past. Like Dexter says, "Life goes on, come of age, can't hold on, turn the page...."

*Needs to stop procrastionating and write that short story already.

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