Thursday, November 6, 2008

Lightning pounders why I forget to do stuff...

*Dusts this shit off*

Dispite having six months of not doing this I still want it. Maybe it's cause I see everyone else maintianing a blogs. And even though I know no one will ever read this, I raise a giant middle finger to my doubts and scream from the bowels of my lungs, FUCK YOU WHEN I'M OLD I'LL LOVE READING THIS SHIT.

Anyways. Why do I forget to do things I swear to do? Jon swore to do a 200 page paper on why Hinata > Sakura and never did it. Bryan swore he'd make a funny ass cartoon site and didn't. And I swore to rewrite my novela/write that short story/write at least a chaper of that new novella/read that whole book I spent $16 bucks on, ect ect.

WHY DO WE DO THIS? Why do we plan to do things and never finish?

Why can't you finish what you've started?
Why can't you try and understand?
It doesn't make a bit of difference if you start what you can't finish
Every story needs an ending, after all.
I think I've known it for a long time
Suffice to say, it's been a while
You're too afraid to face the outcome
Quite likely, you're a failure
It's a shitty thing to say, but hey man - the clock is ticking
I thought of all the things I'd like to say
Cramped up and couldn't write a word all day
I'm just waiting for my world to fall apart
That's why I'll never finish anything I start
What fills the magic in the meantime?
I know it’s hard without advice,
You need to find a new soultion,
Adaptation and retribution,
If you truly do believe in something, somehow it all works out...
Can't Finish What You Started, Motion City Soundtrack
BAH. I hate being human. I hate planning to do something and gettings distracted. Sit in science fiction class all day, figure out a great idea for a story, plan it all out in my head. I get back to the room... eh, 1/2 break won't hurt. I'm tired. Oh, lets see whats on TV. Hey, yeah I'd love to play Smash. Oh crap that paper needs editting. Hi mom, how are you doing. Yeah yeah lets go to late night. Oh crap were did it go...

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