It was like yesterday that I was graduating.
I remember it so vividly, when our principle said "congrats class of 2007, you have graduated" and me and my buddies were the first ones out in the middle of the field, having run from all different corners of the mass, jumping up and screamin and throwing our hats.
A year later and now those stupid juniors have stolen thunder I fell was just mine yesterday.
But yet other things - things more recent - like, say, when I cut my hand - feel much longer. I guess my lession for today is that if you think and remember something more it'll feel like yesterday.
But at the same time, I should stop living in the past. Like Dexter says, "Life goes on, come of age, can't hold on, turn the page...."
*Needs to stop procrastionating and write that short story already.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Lightning Ponders Indiana Jones and the Worthless Movie
This is why we should leave classics alone. Speilburg got his hands on the great old Indana Jones, removed all that was good and clever about it, and
Put in Space Aliens. Yeah. In an Indana Jones movie. That skull talks ot him and tells him to return it to it's transdementional space ship so the super smart collective alien group can return home. REALLLY cool.
Horrible plot, medeocure humor, (although decent acting,) but the series should have been left in the classic volt.
This is why we should leave classics alone. Speilburg got his hands on the great old Indana Jones, removed all that was good and clever about it, and
Put in Space Aliens. Yeah. In an Indana Jones movie. That skull talks ot him and tells him to return it to it's transdementional space ship so the super smart collective alien group can return home. REALLLY cool.
Horrible plot, medeocure humor, (although decent acting,) but the series should have been left in the classic volt.
Lightning Ponders the Passage of Time
I just got home from my first year of college, and I honeslty can not believe it. Because I remember yesterday was the day me and my two brothers were the first to reach center field, the first in a soon to be dog pile of graduating seniors throwing our hats up. That was litterally yesterday.
Or was it? Obviously not, but I think it's because I think of it often - or rather, feel it often. Like that golden summer two years ago. The one I spent most of my time on FEW and made sprites and listened to Desendents music. Every time I hear "Cool to Be You" (Desendents) I get a feeling - a feeling, really - washed over me like a flavored nestagia of exactly that period in time. I can feel it, and it doesn't seem liek that long ago. I remember my cat's death being not that long to, because it also gave me an extended period feeling - again not an emoition (although that time was very emoitional) a psyical FEELING - that I can recall. Last summer had the same flavor. I sat around, did nothing, and dreaded work. Then returned late, wrote, and went to bed. Now I'm home and feel exactly that again in the pit of my stomach. I remember this last January because I mass listened to Panic! and when I hear them I get a feeling in my stomach that reminds me of cloudy days, working in the gym, and Panic.
So I guess really that it's these "flavored nestagia" that makes it seem as though things that happened a full 365 days ago were yesterday - if we think about them regularly.
And contrary to what I tell a certain friend, I finally get feeling old. I'm almost twnety. Anywhere between one fourth and one fifth - if I'm lucky and don't die at 30 - of my life is gone. Will I be remembering this past school year in a few years because of some thing, some comibnation of stimuli and constant action - that will form and be recalled?
When I moved in to my dorm room, it was hideous, unbearing, and cold. And now I'm even sad to leave it - not just the school but the actual room. I miss the school already and my friends, but I will get them back. I won't get the room back. As I packed today I realized the room looked just like it did 7 months ago - bare and forboding. And it helped me realize memory and perception. The room was the same, but the things around it - the posters, the hangings, the stuff - made it different. And reguarless it was muy room, a part of me now gone, even though I hate that hall, I love that room. Will I remember it in a few years with flavored nastagia? Maybe.
I just got home from my first year of college, and I honeslty can not believe it. Because I remember yesterday was the day me and my two brothers were the first to reach center field, the first in a soon to be dog pile of graduating seniors throwing our hats up. That was litterally yesterday.
Or was it? Obviously not, but I think it's because I think of it often - or rather, feel it often. Like that golden summer two years ago. The one I spent most of my time on FEW and made sprites and listened to Desendents music. Every time I hear "Cool to Be You" (Desendents) I get a feeling - a feeling, really - washed over me like a flavored nestagia of exactly that period in time. I can feel it, and it doesn't seem liek that long ago. I remember my cat's death being not that long to, because it also gave me an extended period feeling - again not an emoition (although that time was very emoitional) a psyical FEELING - that I can recall. Last summer had the same flavor. I sat around, did nothing, and dreaded work. Then returned late, wrote, and went to bed. Now I'm home and feel exactly that again in the pit of my stomach. I remember this last January because I mass listened to Panic! and when I hear them I get a feeling in my stomach that reminds me of cloudy days, working in the gym, and Panic.
So I guess really that it's these "flavored nestagia" that makes it seem as though things that happened a full 365 days ago were yesterday - if we think about them regularly.
And contrary to what I tell a certain friend, I finally get feeling old. I'm almost twnety. Anywhere between one fourth and one fifth - if I'm lucky and don't die at 30 - of my life is gone. Will I be remembering this past school year in a few years because of some thing, some comibnation of stimuli and constant action - that will form and be recalled?
When I moved in to my dorm room, it was hideous, unbearing, and cold. And now I'm even sad to leave it - not just the school but the actual room. I miss the school already and my friends, but I will get them back. I won't get the room back. As I packed today I realized the room looked just like it did 7 months ago - bare and forboding. And it helped me realize memory and perception. The room was the same, but the things around it - the posters, the hangings, the stuff - made it different. And reguarless it was muy room, a part of me now gone, even though I hate that hall, I love that room. Will I remember it in a few years with flavored nastagia? Maybe.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Lightning Ponders Elitism
Did I spell that right? I think I did.
Alright. This comes around sense in recent months many people I love have been called "elitists." I like to think of myself as somewhat open minded and have had many arguments (with people I like and people I don't) about what elitisum entails on the internet.
To me, when you say you are better then someone at something, it can be as true as you want but you still don't need to say it. "I am better then you at this game." Good for you, but what does this ential?
It is when you reach this next level that it truely is to me, elitism. Take for example, the extreme. A simple discussion of "I think ____ is the best character and this is why" becomes interupted with 'you are completely wrong, I am completely right, shut up now."
Do some people I know/love do this? Yes. We all have before. Many arguments that I now look back upon had people I like much behaving like this. But to what extent does this become unbearable? When does it move from banter to elitisum? The opinions vary, as do opinions on people, thus I am never surprised when someone is called this in such a free flowing way. It's like, "Yeah he's an elitist jerk." Alright then, you sure thats the only reason you don't like them?
And really only the people who need to will understand this. Keeping a closed door does not ential elitisum. I have many friends, many i consider stronger and, without any harm ment, "better" friends. I can sit with a aquantense of mine and have a plesent conversation with them. But when I have a party, I will not call up anyone I know.
I will not just leave my door open to anyone interested. I will invite in people I enjoy time with, or who generally I like. If I meet a new person in my daily life and they become a friend, then we might reach that level. But when you say that there is a WALL around certain places, or that it is a heaven of sorts where only the ture "elites" can enter, you've overabused the word so absolutely that it's become hypocritical. Saying that someone is an elitist because they don't let anyone they want onto a forum or whatever is like saying I'm an elitist because I don't let people i don't know, or people i don't like, into my dorm room. It's the freakin internet, who the heck cares? XD
So, yes. People are overabusing this word. And in my opinion, it's reached a form of hypocracy. But perhaps in writing this I've become an elitist?
Alright. This comes around sense in recent months many people I love have been called "elitists." I like to think of myself as somewhat open minded and have had many arguments (with people I like and people I don't) about what elitisum entails on the internet.
To me, when you say you are better then someone at something, it can be as true as you want but you still don't need to say it. "I am better then you at this game." Good for you, but what does this ential?
It is when you reach this next level that it truely is to me, elitism. Take for example, the extreme. A simple discussion of "I think ____ is the best character and this is why" becomes interupted with 'you are completely wrong, I am completely right, shut up now."
Do some people I know/love do this? Yes. We all have before. Many arguments that I now look back upon had people I like much behaving like this. But to what extent does this become unbearable? When does it move from banter to elitisum? The opinions vary, as do opinions on people, thus I am never surprised when someone is called this in such a free flowing way. It's like, "Yeah he's an elitist jerk." Alright then, you sure thats the only reason you don't like them?
And really only the people who need to will understand this. Keeping a closed door does not ential elitisum. I have many friends, many i consider stronger and, without any harm ment, "better" friends. I can sit with a aquantense of mine and have a plesent conversation with them. But when I have a party, I will not call up anyone I know.
I will not just leave my door open to anyone interested. I will invite in people I enjoy time with, or who generally I like. If I meet a new person in my daily life and they become a friend, then we might reach that level. But when you say that there is a WALL around certain places, or that it is a heaven of sorts where only the ture "elites" can enter, you've overabused the word so absolutely that it's become hypocritical. Saying that someone is an elitist because they don't let anyone they want onto a forum or whatever is like saying I'm an elitist because I don't let people i don't know, or people i don't like, into my dorm room. It's the freakin internet, who the heck cares? XD
So, yes. People are overabusing this word. And in my opinion, it's reached a form of hypocracy. But perhaps in writing this I've become an elitist?
Lightning Ponders Introductions
Chances are, if you are reading this, you know me.
Thus, what is the reason for making this? Alas. I find myself still typing. I've got an awesome song on (Orpheus by Ash) so it's kinda forcing me onwards. ON WARDS TO VICTORY AGAINST INTRODUCTIONS!
I'm a nineteen year old college studentstrying to find his way in the world. I'm about 6'1 ish and currenty 140 pounds. I've put on an amazing fiveish pounds sense college started. Just an ironing board with hair.
I've got a much larger and greater group of friends then I thought I could ever have, and I'm thankful for all my friends and my two "brothas from anotha motha". Course I'm always looking for more dudes/duddettes to hang out with.
Raised in a tiny town, I grew used to a tight nit communtiy, so Saint Mary's (my college, a tiny little private) was perfect for me. I'm aiming for a degree involving Psychology and Creative Writing, in some form. I want to someday write a novel(s), mostly science fiction. I'm currently sports editor of the Saint Mary's Collegian, and am very interested in a possible future in sports journalism. Especially in basketball, because even now that they suck tremedously, I still bleed purple and black for my Sacto Kings.
When I'm not working, I enjoy thinking about writing sci-fi stories, playing basketball, listening to music and playing video games.
Video Games I like: Fire Emblem, Super Smash Brothers, Zelda, Final Fantasy, Harvest Moon, Tales of, ect.
Music I like: The Offspring, Reel Big Fish, The Hush Sound, Motion City Soundtrack, Goldfinger, Mae, Panic! at the Disco, The Descendents, , Three Days Grace, Sugarcult, Flogging Molly, Green Day, Maldriod.
Check out my last.FM page to see what I really like.
I guess thats about it. How ambigous can you get on something like this? You all already know me and know one who sees this won't have at least some premature knowledge of me.
Oh, and I give Reo credit (and blame) for getting me on a blog. I love her blog and in a shameful imitation I wish to do the same.
Thus, what is the reason for making this? Alas. I find myself still typing. I've got an awesome song on (Orpheus by Ash) so it's kinda forcing me onwards. ON WARDS TO VICTORY AGAINST INTRODUCTIONS!
I'm a nineteen year old college studentstrying to find his way in the world. I'm about 6'1 ish and currenty 140 pounds. I've put on an amazing fiveish pounds sense college started. Just an ironing board with hair.
I've got a much larger and greater group of friends then I thought I could ever have, and I'm thankful for all my friends and my two "brothas from anotha motha". Course I'm always looking for more dudes/duddettes to hang out with.
Raised in a tiny town, I grew used to a tight nit communtiy, so Saint Mary's (my college, a tiny little private) was perfect for me. I'm aiming for a degree involving Psychology and Creative Writing, in some form. I want to someday write a novel(s), mostly science fiction. I'm currently sports editor of the Saint Mary's Collegian, and am very interested in a possible future in sports journalism. Especially in basketball, because even now that they suck tremedously, I still bleed purple and black for my Sacto Kings.
When I'm not working, I enjoy thinking about writing sci-fi stories, playing basketball, listening to music and playing video games.
Video Games I like: Fire Emblem, Super Smash Brothers, Zelda, Final Fantasy, Harvest Moon, Tales of, ect.
Music I like: The Offspring, Reel Big Fish, The Hush Sound, Motion City Soundtrack, Goldfinger, Mae, Panic! at the Disco, The Descendents, , Three Days Grace, Sugarcult, Flogging Molly, Green Day, Maldriod.
Check out my last.FM page to see what I really like.
I guess thats about it. How ambigous can you get on something like this? You all already know me and know one who sees this won't have at least some premature knowledge of me.
Oh, and I give Reo credit (and blame) for getting me on a blog. I love her blog and in a shameful imitation I wish to do the same.
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